Bonus: Leadership Perspectives

Various leadership perpectives on different areas of the industry including will the traditional model continue to dominate in the next decade? Will smaller real estate brands (brokerages or teams doing less than $100 million in annual sales) survive and thrive in the next decade? In what form could the MLS flourish in the next decade? Do you think commissions (buy and sell side combined) will slide to 3 percent in the next decade?
Total Pages: 10
Published 2022

Bonus: Leadership Perspectives

Various leadership perpectives on different areas of the industry including will the traditional model continue to dominate in the next decade? Will smaller real estate brands (brokerages or teams doing less than $100 million in annual sales) survive and thrive in the next decade? In what form could the MLS flourish in the next decade? Do you think commissions (buy and sell side combined) will slide to 3 percent in the next decade?
Published 2022
Total Pages: 10

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