Amateurs, Order Takers or Professionals

Trend 05

There is wide consensus that the industry is saddled with a large number of parttime, untrained, unethical, or incompetent agents. In this report, T3 Sixty analyzes professionalism in the industry and outlines what can be done to improve the quality of labor.

This content is only available to members.

Total Pages: 18
Published 2019

Amateurs, Order Takers or Professionals

Trend 05

There is wide consensus that the industry is saddled with a large number of parttime, untrained, unethical, or incompetent agents. In this report, T3 Sixty analyzes professionalism in the industry and outlines what can be done to improve the quality of labor.

This content is only available to members.
Published 2019
Total Pages: 18
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